Originally Posted by james t kirk
Don't laugh. It already is starting to work that way. CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency) no longer just hands out big bags of money without conditions. If a country wants the cash, they have to play by the rules and the rules state that we control the purse strings, and the project. If you don't like it, no money.
James, the African countries who wish to receive aid are required to follow certain rules. As Tony Blair said at a news conference in early June, following an announcement for more aid to Africa: "We require the African leadership also to be prepared to make the commitment on governance against corruption -- in favor of democracy, in favor of the rule of law."
Africa is prepared to step up to the bat. The African Union has met and is in the process of putting together a message to the G8. They too realize that eliminating corruption in Africa is a major step towards improvement.
I like that Blair is insisting that Africa meet the G8 halfway, and I like that Africa is willing to do so. Perhaps this will work out after all.
A columnist in the Guardian pointed out that today's rulers need to realize that all the "kids" attending the Live 8 shows and wearing the white ONE wristbands are the voters of tomorrow. I can say that there's one "kid" with a white wristband who is a voter of today and will be a voter of tomorrow too.