In all seriousness though, just throwing money at Africa will acomplish nothing. That has been proven time and time again when large sums of money are given to one tin pot dictator in Africa or another in the hopes that he will do the right thing. Usually, however, the right thing is keeping the money for him or his army.
More people are dying in Africa than ever before in history. Even the money from live AID 20 years ago just went into various swiss bank accounts, or fed the military of Etheopia (Menjitsu I believe was his name.)
The only way any aid program can work is if we (the G-8 nations) adminster the aid. I.e. we run it, we allocate it, we hand it out, we govern it, with no input whatsoever from whatever nutbar is running that country today.
Don't laugh. It already is starting to work that way. CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency) no longer just hands out big bags of money without conditions. If a country wants the cash, they have to play by the rules and the rules state that we control the purse strings, and the project. If you don't like it, no money.