Originally Posted by roachboy
and i don't think that albarn's remarks a simply snippiness for not having been invited--in many ways, live 8 is almost like an episode of the love boat--a huge, bloated sanctimonious spectacle populated almost entiely by washed-up performers on the one hand and the most mediocre current popstars on the other.
Well it's horses for courses isn't it. I guess had Chubby Checker, Michael Jackson or Living Color been in attendance, they certainly wouldn't be labelled as you have as above.
Not enough black folk representing Live 8? Maybe there will be a Black Live 8, something like Miss Black America, or the other offshoot of political correctness, the Latin Grammy's.
Maybe when Albarn reaches the status of U2, Pink Floyd or The Who, he can bitch about inconsistencies as he percieves them. Thankfully all those white
anglo saxons showed up to perform or else,....they most certainly would have been laballed as uncaring and RACIST.
Ahh,.. but what a novel idea on Albarn's attempt to produce publicity for his shit bands. Very original. Wonder why no one else thought of it.