Last fall, Bush was still able to convince a larger segment of Americans of his integrity, sincerity, and job effectiveness, than he apparently can today. Public opinion and political support is in a constant state of flux, and a trend is a trend, until it isn't. Bush's approval trend seems to have peaked, and is, timewise, in an historically swift reversal. This being the case, it matters little what "political capital" he "earned" by virtue of the size of the plurality of last november's vote.
The signifigance of the concerts is that they raise the awareness of young people who may otherwise ignore political issues, and because they are likely to draw media attention that may aid in feeding the current downtrend in support for Bush, his policies, and of his political party.
By Shailagh Murray
Sunday, July 3, 2005; Page A04
.........Even the pollster couldn't believe his eyes. "It was much higher than I expected," John Zogby said of the 42 percent of voters who said they would support impeaching President Bush if it were established that he lied about his reasons for the Iraq war. The Zogby International poll was released Thursday and showed Bush's job approval rating at 43 percent.
By comparison, in October 1998, as the House moved to impeach President Bill Clinton over the Monica S. Lewinsky scandal, a Zogby poll found that 39 percent of voters supported the House action, while 56 percent opposed it.
Bush also fared worse within his own party. Among Republicans in the latest Zogby poll, 25 percent said they would support impeachment if Bush lied. Among Clinton's fellow Democrats, support for impeachment was below 14 percent.
Zogby said the hypothetical question "reveals just how badly divided this country is over the war," but also that people may be more comfortable with the idea of throwing a president out of office. "Presidents go to war and do things that are questionable by large numbers of citizens," said Zogby, but no one has ever been impeached for it.
Unlikely that the Republican-led House will begin proceedings anytime soon. But the Web sites are up and running. is running a petition drive. is planning a march on Washington in September. site argues that the Iraq invasion was unconstitutional. asserts that Bush secretly decided to go to war and to mislead Congress in mid-2002..........