Originally Posted by Paq
will concerts sway anything? short answer: no, long answer: hell no.
hopefully something will come from the summit that is unexpectedly magnanimous, but i'm not seeing it happen.
one thing that does drive me nuts and is brushed upon by willravel is that most bush supporters i talk to talk about how the majority is ruling and the non conservative movement is dead/dying when the election was *won* by less than 2%...i just don't see that as a blinding majority.
oh well
However, he's the first president to win with any majority since Regan. Bush sr. and Clinton only won pluralities, neither ever cracked 50%, which Bush jr. did. And that was with a media that was less than flattering to him, during a largely unpopular war.
I don't see the nonconservative/liberal movement dying, but it's extremely fractured, unfocused, and has no real agenda except being anti-whatever conservatives are doing at the time. And that is potentially worse than death, because with death something else can arise to take its place. But lingering on in a wounded state just ensures that conservatives stay in power longer.
And to all the people who think the US isn't doing enough, feel free to send your money to support eliminating AIDS and poverty in Africa. Nothing's stopping you. But the rest of us would like to keep our money, if you don't mind.