Some more links:
<a href="">Apcupsd</a> - A great daemon to get your APC UPS working in Linux. The documentation here is pretty thorough, but see if your distro comes with a package for this to make life easier.
<a href="">RTMF: Redefine the Fine Manual</a> - A few tips and howtos for doing various things in Linux, from installations to formatting floppies; user-maintained.
Oh, and here's a couple software "replacements".
For Newsbin and other usenet binary downloaders (and just readers for that matter):
<a href="">PAN: A newsreader for GNOME</a> - Don't be fooled by the name, I'm running this thing on KDE just fine.
For LaTeX frontends:
<a href="">Kile</a>; <a href="">LyX</a>; <a href="">TeXmacs</a>.
Last edited by phukraut; 07-02-2005 at 04:08 PM..