Originally Posted by ObieX
I would imagine this info would contain a SS# as well? If so, absolutely not.
No, I haven't seen a SS# yet. I do have the name, home address, telephone numbers, date of birth, insurance details, bank account #, medical history, X-ray results, medication, dates of hospitalization, etc. etc. We'll even be adding photographs of the patients (at the request of the hospitals, to reduce fraud).
We *do* need to see that information, if only to verify that it's there to begin with. If a problem is reported, I need to check the data, to see if there's anything wrong with the patient's records. The alternative is that we have no access, which means that we cannot guarantee that the software works as it should, which will cost lives.
I have access to that information because I need it. I'm not interested in the persons behind those database entries. To me, they're just numbers, nothing more. The only thing I'm interested in is a software system that works as it should.
If access to data scares you, how's about this: I could alter this data without anyone ever finding out; increase the price a bit, change the medication... I could do whatever I want, but I won't. Just like employees of the hospital could do whatever they want, but won't. I know not to abuse the trust placed in me. It's called a conscience (along with privacy laws, and a secrecy clause in my contract).
Think about it: you'd trust your personal data (and your life!) to the doctor operating on you, but you won't trust me with that personal data, which I need in order to maintain the computer system that doctor relies on. Where's the difference?
Which brings us back to the original topic. You'd (probably) trust your government to protect you from harm, but you won't trust them with personal information. Hell, if they wanted to silence the masses and maintain control, there are much better and simpler ways than an ID card.