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Old 05-20-2003, 05:37 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Terrance: Shut your fucking face uncle fucka
You're a cock sucking ass licking uncle fucka
You're an uncle fucka, yes its true
Nobody fucks uncles quite like you
Phillip: Shut your fucking face uncle fucka
You're the one that fucked your uncle, uncle fucka
You dont eat or sleep or mow the lawn,
You just fuck your uncle all day long
(fart noises)
Terrance: Hmm!
(fart noises)
Dudley Dooright guy: What's going on here?
(fart noises)
People: Oooooooooooooooooooooooh
Fucker fucker uncle fucka fucka fucka fucka fucka
T & P:Shut your fucking face uncle fucka (Terrance: uncle fucka)
Terrance: You're a boner biting bastard uncle fucka
Phillip: You're an uncle fucka I must say
Terrance: Well you fucked your uncle yesterday
Everyone: (laughing)
People: Uncle fucka... thats
Everyone: U-N-C-L-E fuck you Uncle
Fuckaaaaaaaaaaaaa tonight...
Phillip: ...Suck my balls!
Sticky The Stickman
Sticky is offline  

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