Originally Posted by OFKU0
Both. My apologies though. Guess I'm all spent on reading discussions of cell phone use on this board that seemingly still has a search function intact.
I did a search. In the last 500 threads including the words "cell phone" the particular topics in my op--cell phones in class, cell phone screens visible in movie theaters--hadn't been addressed.
Originally Posted by analog
Regardless of the conversation, what they're saying, how "stupid" you may think it is, how useless a conversation you deem it to be- it's none of your fucking business what they're talking about, and you're a selfish ass for passing judgment on the way everyone carries on their lives. If you're a loud talker and inconsiderate of those around you, you're going to do the same whether it's in person or via cell phone.
Exactly. Their conversations are none of my business, so I shouldn't have to listen to it.
There is a flaw to your logic. If a person is talking loudly on a cell phone, they are talking to someone who isn't with them at the moment. The conversation would not be occurring but for the presence of the phone.