Originally Posted by moosenose
And why is this? It's because the Democrats followed the ideologues so that they are SO far to the left, that they might as well be from a different planet. I've heard people say Kerry lost in 04 because he was not LIBERAL ENOUGH.
Do you think that if Kerry had an ounce of charisma, the election might have turned out differently? I sure do. Closely fought race, imagine someone with the charisma, and the ability to speak to values, of say... John Edwards had lead the ticket. I think it would have been game over.
I say that not to descredit your other opinions, but to suggest that Kerry lost due to politics gives many in the electorate far too much credit.
This is the same group that, when polled in the primaries in 2000, said that Bush was a reformer. AFTER he'd been getting his ass kicked by McCain and he started putting out advertising about how he (Bush) was a reformer...
/threadjacks R us...