Originally Posted by smooth
Well, from my understanding, eminent domain has lotsa times been used for business interests and seldom for non-profit construction.
I would consider most highways non-profit. I'd also wonder if Clinton's end-of-term seizure of a great deal of western land wouldn't be considered non-profit. The question is whether it fits the definition of "eminent domain."
So then they have to make sense of their position in the world, what they are being hit with. All humans do this, in my opinion, I'm not flaming conservative ideology or particular peoples--it just doesn't really help in this particular situation and so I'm speaking about it in this particular thread. As they cast about for an appropriate "them" we get characters who perform as though they are an "us" (Bush & Co., which by all standards is anything but an "us" to most people milling around the United States) telling the people to calm down...we have identified the "them." Luckily, the threat is external...we just need to unify...go to war...kill them...save us...track them down...we are secure...we are safe...we can overcome adversity as long as we are the same...think the same...act the same...beieve the same...we do believe the same...we are great...our nation is tops...our ideals are tops...never regret...stay the course...keep the resolve...do not question...do not fear...bush is here...
and you'll this stuff replicated throughout the years to come...and you'll notice it was replicated throughout our history. If Bush's speechwriters were better at their jobs, or if they had more confidence in their listeners' historical knowledge, they would be able to incite a hella lot more jingoism. But perhaps they have accurately judged the apathy of many people and don't really need to incite the kind of following past leaders have obtained.
So the recent eminent domain decision is Bush's fault? That's quite a stretch.