Originally Posted by j8ear
Not a single one of those quotes bothered my in the least. IN THE FREAKING LEAST.
Um, dude...wow...that's unsettling.
Anyway, Bush is most likely going to appoint at least one far right conservative. Maybe he'll then appoint a more moderate, but still right leaning, second person after Renquist leaves. The Supreme Court is still going to be ultra-conservative.
The most frightening thing out of all of this, though, is how incredibly conservative our nation has become in the last 5 or so years. Back in the day, the House and Senate was full of Democrats. Every college student belonged to the College Democrats or was on the left. More than that, the term "liberal" was not deemed an insult. If this trend continues, we're going to be back in the days where religion rules everything, big businesses and monopolies run amok, and "freedom" exists only if you're a Protestant who owns a Cadillac, has 2.5 children (with a wife who he's only slept with 2.5 times), and believes that God watches over everything. The only difference from the 1700s is that African-Americans and women will be a part of it. Personally, I LIKE the freedoms that we have now. I am both happy that we have abortion and that we have the right to buy guns. However, we soon will become even more ridiculously Puritanical than we are already...and that will be a sad, sad day in the history of this nation. Everything is cyclical - the cycle is now restarting at the beginning.