Advise on a job change
Hello all..... My fiance and I have an interesting situation on our hands today...
My fiance Cecilia currently manages a Medical office, and wants to get into a job that she went to school for (Paralegal). She was offered a job tod ay that is an awsome opportunity, but hits quite a bit in the wallet. To start this job, she will be taking a $15,000 pay cut. This is going to be very hard on us if she takes it. The up side is, they are offering her a $5,000 raise every three months if she proves herself. I have no doubt that she will be nothing but the best at what she does... but a hit like that at a time when we are planning an engagement party and a wedding is a little discouraging.. I am completly willing to work the weekends and pick up the slack, because I want her to be happy with her job, and succede in what she does. I'm very skeptical because she has been burned before with promises of raises and what not... My idea was to try and get some sort of agreement with him on paper, that if her performance is acceptable that she will get these raises for the first 9 months.. I want her to be happy, but the budget doesent really leave room for that.. I'm not to sure what to do. Its a risk... Since if they don't like her than she will be without a job all together.. but over the next 3 years she can make double what she's making now.... Just wanted to see what you all thought.... too risky???
"Its better to be hated for who you are, then loved for what your not" --Van Zant
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