I find it funny that Bush and company pressed the medicinal marijuana issue into the SC and gladly accepted the ruling, yet some people are talking like Bush's nominees will be better.....
As for eminent domain..... guess what he wanted that ruling also, electric companies and all need to rebuild that power grid and oops if for some reason that nice piece of land over there looks good for a Wal*Mart because it is just outside city limits and the city voted to keep Wal*Mart out..... well they are out of city limits.......
So don't lecture me on how pious and how true to the Constitution and how much better his nominees will be.
(BTW Rehnquist will probably retire soon....)
As for my assessment I stick by it...... although Scalia may not make Chief it may end up being Thomas.
Do I think that scenario would be gloom and doom for the Dems.? No. I think it's the best scenario for both sides.
Any other scenario leads to further division of this country and I don't think we can handle much more without breaking.