New jersey:
Specifically Permitted None
Specifically Prohibited Torpedoes, firecrackers, fireworks containing yellow or white phosphorus or mercury, sparklers, fireworks containing an ammonium salt, and a chlorate.
i personally have no problem with the ban on them - I just wish it was enforced as I've listened to people blow off firecrackers (and not the pretty ones) for the past few weeks. A few years back, when I lived on Staten island, also prohibited there, the people across the street, a fireman actually (with a vicious dog) and three pre teen sons, the kids were left unsupervised all day, and for weeks on end would blow off firecrackers, nothign was done... (I called the police more than once because it was annoying and they were too young) Then one day the kids decided that putting a whole bunch into a metal trash can and set them off would be fun... It created a huge bang, followed by a lot of screaming as one of the boys blew off a few fingers... Stupid parents, stupid kids, unnecessary injury.
Leave fireworks to the professionals... The Gruccis put on a good show, watch them