Originally Posted by shakran
Well. . if the shoe fits. .. . He's advocating a declaration of war on anyone who doesn't like us. That's not only unreasonable, it's crazy. Even if we had the manpower to do it (we don't) it's senseless to send our soldiers off to be killed when there are better ways to deal with the issue.
That's a complete and deliberate misstatement of my position. Are you making such a misstatement out of ignorance or maliciousness? I have repeatedly said that I do NOT support attacking anybody who does not like us just because they do not like us. A large percentage of the French do not like us, and I have not advocated attacking them, have I?
There is a difference between the French saying "we don't like America or Americans." That is not casus belli, that is their opinion. When others shout "Death To America", THAT IS casus belli, in that it is a direct threat to harm people. If you say to somebody "I don't like you", that's not a crime. If you say to somebody "I'm going to kill you", that IS a crime. The severity of the crime depends on the circumstances. now if the French were running around screaming "Death To America!" while supporting terrorism, then I WOULD say it's justifiable to go after them.