Originally Posted by powerclown
My friend, you don't know what real oppression is.
Do you know how difficult it is, for example, to travel about in Russia? One must consult with the central authorities months in advance for clearance.
Here in the States, you can jump in your car and go wherever you wish, whenever you wish.
....................You have over 100 National Parks to visit.
You don't have this in Mexico, or Brazil or Romania for that matter.
What is it precisely that you wish to do that you can't?
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I have had an epiphany.
I understand now.
Tilted Politics is not about Politics.
It is all about...VENTING.
Happy talk has enabled the new American domestic security nightmare to get this far, and it looks like there is no turning it back.................
Has it dawned on anyone that the Bush administration will not telegraph it's true agenda unitl it is too late? The signs are all written on the wall.
Have you ever heard of the Chuch Committee in the senate, in the '70's ?
It was convened to investigate and check the abuses of the Nixon administration during the Vietnam war. The CIA was used to spy on U.S. citizens in the U.S., who were opposed to Nixon and or to the war.
The outcome was legislation that was intended to insure that never again would U.S. spy agencies be permitted to abridge the rights of U.S. citizens at home. A wall was set up by law to protect us from our foreign spy agencies.
This protection is gone now. When the few "rights" that these thugs permit us to maintain as a distraction until they complete the consolidation of control of the entire state enforcement apparatus, are eliminated, we won't be discussing it in venues like this one !
Media Disinformation and the Nature of the Iraqi Resistance
by Ghali Hassan
www.globalresearch.ca 26 May 2005
...........Former U.S. administrator in Baghdad, Paul Bremer at the behest of Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, former Deputy of Defence Paul Wolfowitz and Ahmad Chalabi initiated the murderous policy termed "DeBaathification".
The Bush Administration is not only supporting this murderous policy, it introduced the "El Salvador option" of murdering Iraqi dissidents through the appointment John Negroponte as U.S. Ambassador to Iraq..........
Bush to Create New Unit in F.B.I. for Intelligence
Published: June 30, 2005
WASHINGTON, June 29 - President Bush on Wednesday ordered changes intended to <h3>break down old walls between foreign and domestic intelligence activities</h3> by creating a new national security division within the Federal Bureau of Investigation that will fall under the overall direction of John D. Negroponte, the new director of national intelligence................
............General Michael V. Hayden, the deputy director of national intelligence, said the government would take steps to ensure that the changes did not impinge on American civil liberties. But in a briefing for reporters, General Hayden also said that the United States no longer had the luxury of maintaining divisions between its foreign and domestic intelligence structures, because "our enemy does not recognize that distinction."
The White House left it to Mr. Negroponte to carry out the overhaul, which will almost certainly be met with reluctance within the F.B.I. and the 14 other agencies he oversees. Representative Jane Harman, the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee, cautioned that lasting change will require "sustained attention" from the White House.
"The F.B.I. will not get ahead of the terrorist threat if it doesn't have a fully dedicated intelligence service, and now it will," Ms. Harman, of California, said in an interview. "But this will require a massive culture change within the F.B.I., because the guns and badges and the mind-set of the F.B.I. don't totally fit with the challenges of countering terrorism."
The changes ordered by Mr. Bush are the among the most far-reaching yet taken by the Bush administration and Congress to overhaul an intelligence structure whose deep flaws have been exposed by major failures on terrorism and Iraq................
Is the risk of letting these thugs, who have been right, less often than a broken clock, in matters of foreign, military, and domestic security, take full control of U.S. domestic security and intelligence gathering, a lesser danger, than opposing them, on the slim chance that we are wrong about their capabilities and their agenda, and we miss out on the benefits of trading our constituional rights for the security and safety that they claim will be enhanced by their criminal and deceptive consolidation of power?