Stupid beer joke...
Let's keep this one simple...
At the annual meeting of the major beer companies, CEOs from around the world converge in one meeting hall to have a little lunch, discuss the market and hash out any problems between the companies that might have popped up over the previous year.
The men and women were seated, but before the meeting began, drinks would have to be served.
"I'll have a Budweiser" the Budweiser CEO said.
"I'll have a Coors, please." the CEO of Coors said.
"I'd like a Heinekken." the company's CEO said.
Around the table it went. Each CEO ordering the flagship beer of their respective companies.
Finally, the steward called on the CEO of Guiness, a relative new comer to the table to place his order.
"Oh, I think I'll just have a soda, if you don't mind"
The crowd was taken aback and the room gasped. A few fellow CEOs managed to find their voice to ask the Guiness man, "Why?"
"Well," said the Guiness CEO, " I figure if no one else is going to have a beer, than neither will I."
No signature. None. Seriously.