Originally Posted by qualhiveldorf
Just consider which is more valuable a human life or an animal's life?
And finally to those who say that meat is bad for you, just consider that all meat comes from plants, plants that even if we could eat, it would require us to eat gigantic amounts to get the equivalent nutrition as that of meat compounded by the fact that we are not phisiologically capable of properly digesting the myriad of plants that other animals can eat.
Well, your first point is a very biased question...it is hard to have an objective opinion about the choice since you ARE one of the two choices...a very species-centric question. Ask a human which is more important, another human or a blue whale. Ask a blue whale which is more important, another blue whale or a human. The point is, that ALL life is important and if you don't have to make that choice, you don't have to. I have chosen to eat in such a way as to avoid that choice and I feel the better for it.
Your second point about the food chain is almost right. Meat CAN be bad for you because the toxins in plants are concentrated in the flesh (think DDT). Meat also is contaminated with fats, hormones and some transmissible diseases. We are capable of digesting plants, why do people eat salad? Humans NEED plant food in order to maintain a healthy digestive tract. Just look at REAL carnivores...our relatives, the apes. They have the dentition that suggests a more meat based diet but a large part of their diet is plants.
You can go on and on about how we are physiologically structured and our lifestyles and what not, but humans, in this country especially, eat meat because they like the taste. The animals, the health of the food and the economics are NON-issues with them. At least OWN it.