Originally Posted by zenmaster10665
jwoody, i am interested in the other side of the coin...
Do you believe that the government can be trusted with a database holding information on every single one of its citizens?
I'd say it was the governments
duty to keep accurate information on all of it's citizens. The way I see it they work for me, not the other way round, and I expect them to collect taxes, keep an eye on criminals, hand out benefits only to those who deserve it, etc...
Do you believe that the workers on the National Identity Register are incorruptable?
Of course not but what's the worst that could happen (to me, personally)?
There are call centres in India who have all my personal details and I know for a fact they are being sold on to unscrupulous persons. It doesn't affect how I live my life in the slightest.
How would you feel if the government knew your spending habits, religion, full criminal record, address, lifestyle choices, political persuasion...etc?
I have nothing to hide. If
my government wants to know the answer to any of these questions they only have to ask me. If it helps them serve me better then that's a good thing.
Would you start to change your decisions due to the fact that you dont want something that you choose on your database record?
No, that would be paranoid. I don't do anything now that I'm ashamed of or want to hide from the government. I smoke cannabis behind closed doors but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm trying to hide it, I just can't be bothered with the ordeal of being arrested for it.