Nobody is required to carry their cards at all times, and I'm sure that provision is included in the UK version as well.
You will be
required to carry your ID card at all times. If you cannot produce it, you face hefty fines in the first and 2nd instance, failure to pay the fines gets you 2 years in jail.
This is not an innocuous drivers license-type proposal. This is the creation of a file on every british citizen.
Citizenship is not something that must be "earned."
For those that hold this view, why do you feel that
you would pass such a test? Would you be willing to give up your citizenship if you failed?
This is a matter of principle.
A question for all of you who support national ID cards:
Do you believe that the government can be trusted with a database holding information on every single one of its citizens? Do you believe that the workers on the National Identity Register are incorruptable? How would you feel if the government knew your spending habits, religion, full criminal record, address, lifestyle choices, political persuasion...etc? Would you start to change your decisions due to the fact that you dont want something that you choose on your database record?
Governments are only here to serve the people, they are not the master of their citizens.
Citizens of all states have the inalienable
right to privacy and freedom. We employ governments to curtail these rights
only in special circumstances, and only for a limited amount of time.