I still say a business owner should be able to decide what they wish to do, and what they don't wish to do.
most business should have their own right to distrobute what they want but pharmacists are essential. People need their drugs you cant have someone denied drugs on principle. WHat if anti depressants are against someones beliefs? or worse? When you get into a proffesion of that nature you have to become a proffesional and check yourself at the door. If you have something against distributing drugs dont become a pharmacist
On a more productive note, maybe there is a comprimise somewhere in here. What if when presented with a prescription for say the birth control pill, the pharmacists hands back a written objection. This excuses the pharmacist from his duty. The patient can then give that objection to the prescribing doctor. The doctor can sign this then legally fullfil the prescription him/herself. Pharmacist doesnt go against his/her morals, patient gets medication, everybody happy.