Originally Posted by jorgelito
Um, why don't you all just sign up for the "Do Not Call List"? It works great!
I only have a land line. That's it. Only calls I ever get are from mom, brother and a few friends. Plus, if you don't want to be bothered, don't give out your number.
That's the thing with solicitors. I didn't give them my number, yet they call trying to sell me a mortgage, siding, a mortgage, soliciting for the fireman's fund, a mortgage, toner, a mortgage rate reduction program, and so on. Why on earth these people tend to leave two minute long messages is beyond my ability to comprehend. Sometimes, when they call, I'll pick up and then hang up without talking to them to avoid the message.
Grace's friends tend not to understand how voicemail works. The outgoing menu starts, they skip the outgoing message, and nearly all tend to say something like, "Hello? Grace, Gilda? Are you there? Pick up if you're there. This is Kari. Are you there? Well, ok, call me back when you have the time." They'll talk for a minute, waiting for someone to pick up, instead of using that time to tell the machine whatever it is that they want Grace to know.
Then again, Grace and her friends belong to that bizarre subculture for whom talking on the phone is a form of recreation rather than a means of sharing information.
My friends know how to leave a message: "Hey Gilda, this is Brad. I'm going to be a little late for comics tonight, be there about 6:30."