Originally Posted by Elphaba
I am opening this topic for a general discussion of likely Supreme court appointees and the potential for a Democratic filibuster. Rehnquist, O'Connor, or Stevens may announce retirement soon and speculation abounds.
I would give my right nut for Kozinski to get the nod. Not Ted, the other one, from the 9th Circuit. I'd also like to see Posner get the nod, but he's said he doesn't want it. I've heard Wilkinson's name being bandied about for a bit. That would be amusing, since I used to know him slightly ages ago. He seemed at the time to be a decent chap, but he has to be ancient by now. If Bush REALLY wanted to give the Democrats the "Red-ass", he'd nominate Volokh, who is currently a law professor at UCLA, but is an "up and comer". He's also younger than some of the leftovers still in my fridge, but that's a POSITIVE thing.