Originally Posted by StanT
The question was "Can you be Catholic and pro-abortion?".
My points were:
Very few people are pro-abortion, however many of us think that everyone ought to have a choice.
The Catholic church did not feel strongly enough about the matter to excommunicate or even censure John Kerry for his very public pro-choice views and campaign platform.
Your point is what?
If the church doesn't have the balls to excommunicate a presidential candidate for publicly contradicting their edicts, then it must be ok for the rest of us, too. The church really needs to clean up their own act before preaching morality to the reat of us.
My point is quite obvious. If you are a pro-choice Catholic you are fooling yourself thinking you can justify what the Church considers murder. There is no 'grey' area when it comes to killing children. The current Catholic dogma is life begins at conception, and as such no amount of sofestry can hide a Catholic from the concept that if they support the 'right' to an abortion, what they are really supporting is a right for a mother to murder her child.
I could go into why the Catholic church in the US is so weak and spineless currently but thats another thread that really has less to do with philosophy and more to do with their don't ask don't tell policy of the 60's.
As the Catholic Bishops of the United States have stated for many years, the use of the name Catholic as a platform for supporting the taking of innocent human life and ridiculing the Church is offensive not only to Catholics, but to all who expect honesty and forthrightness in public discourse. We state once again with the strongest emphasis: "Because of its opposition to the human rights of some of the most defenseless members of the human race, and because its purposes and activities deliberately contradict essential teachings of the Catholic faith,... Catholics for a Free Choice merits no recognition or support as a Catholic organization" (Administrative Committee, National Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1993).
Some very interesting pieces on abortion from the Holy See