Originally Posted by tenchi069
I am truly saddened by the degree at which our Government ( United States ) is seeking to control our lives as opposed to making guidlines for our safety.
My friend, you don't know what real oppression is.
Do you know how difficult it is, for example, to travel about in Russia? One must consult with the central authorities months in advance for clearance.
Here in the States, you can jump in your car and go wherever you wish, whenever you wish.
You have cheap, plentiful gasoline.
You can hop on a plane tonight and fly to anywhere on earth.
You've got free (FREE!) porn here on the TFP.
You can go to your corner liquor store and buy as much alcoholic refreshment as you wish to consume.
You can buy all the food you want at the grocery stores, which are filled to brimming.
You can assemble, and protest your government right outside your front door without fear of imprisonment or worse.
You can buy a real, live gun if you want. In fact, you can buy 100 guns if you wanted.
You can raise killer bees.
You can buy 100,000 Harvester ants for around $500 bucks.
You can buy stock in Google and become a millionaire in 5 years.
You can paint your house purple.
You can move to Utah and have 10 wives.
You can hunt Grizzly bears in Alaska, and fish for Blue Marlin in the Florida Keys.
You can nail 50 broads a week in Vegas and not get thrown in jail.
You can build your own rock mountain in your backyard.
You can download every one of your favorite songs - for free!
You can ride the tallest, fastest rollercoasters in the world in the States.
You can travel to New Orleans and experience the finest food you ever dreamed of.
You can hike the Grand Canyon or fly to Hawaii.
You can ski down some of the tallest mountains in the world here.
You can rollerblade around Manhattan at midnight.
You can learn to fly a plane.
You have Netflix.
You have over 100 National Parks to visit.
You don't have this in Mexico, or Brazil or Romania for that matter.
What is it precisely that you wish to do that you can't?
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I have had an epiphany.
I understand now.
Tilted Politics is not about Politics.
It is all about...VENTING.