Originally Posted by pan6467
I just find it disgusting how these Right wingers claim the war is going well and yet this bullshit is going on and they either approve of it or are blind and don't fucking care.
Never in the history of modern American warfare (1917- today) has a soldier been expected to pay for their gear. I truly am incensed and have no respect for any son of a bitch that tells me how great the war is going and says nothing about this or defends it. THAT INCLUDES BUSH AND HIS CRONIES.
I truly hope someday Haliburton gets investigated and every executive that cashed in on this war goes to prison in Gitmo.
Boy thats a lot of vitriol.
I'm sure that in no war in modern history have US soldiers ever had shortages of material or thought they should have more than they were alloted.
June 8, 2004
COLONIAL HEIGHTS, Va. - The Army's top supply commander said Monday that all American troops in Iraq are now equipped with bullet-resistant vests, after a shortage that led many soldiers to pay for costly body armor themselves.
As late as March, some soldiers headed for Iraq were still buying their own body armor, despite assurances from the military that the equipment would be available before they were in harm's way.
Gen. Paul Kern, commander of the Army Material Command, said the shortage eased after manufacturers stepped up production of the lifesaving vests.
Kern spoke at a news conference where Honeywell Specialty Materials announced it would increase production of Spectra fiber, a key component of the vests. He said the vests had saved dozens of soldiers who were shot at close range.
Kern recalled that troops in Vietnam had to be ordered to wear cumbersome flak jackets. "You don't have to discipline them to put on protective gear today," he said. "They are looking for it."
Last October, it was reported that nearly one-quarter of American troops serving in Iraq did not have ceramic-plated body armor, which uses four-pound armor plates to stop bullets and shrapnel.
Note the date... June 8.....04. The armor issue WAS a big issue, in 2003.
This is OLD news people, but it is another reason to bitch about Bush and us blind uncaring right wingers.
Give me a break.