Originally Posted by asaris
The difference is that the Bible makes obvious claims towards its historicity. The one which most immediately comes to mind is when Paul states that if Christ has not risen from the dead, then we are fools. The Greek tragedies either also claim to be historical (for example, the Iliad), and are generally accepted to be based in historical fact (at least, since that one German guy excavated Troy); or, they make no real claim towards historicity.
while the bible does make claims that it is true, the old testament doesn't match up very well with any other records/evidence of the past. the new testament may be a bit better, but as (again, someone correct me if i'm wrong) there are no contemporary primary sources that even mention jesus, the bible's historical value is suspect.
just because it claims to be true doesn't make it so.
i'm not seeing how your reference to what paul said is relevant. the only thing i get from it is that he's telling us 'hey, stupids! look what we tricked you into believing!!! suckers!!!!'