When I find myself in a situation where someone is chatting on a cell phone I try to ignore their conversation as I do when people in line are having an in-person conversation. It's rude to evesdrop when avoidable. When I CAN"T avoid evesdropping because the people are talking too loudly is when I would ask them to be quieter or in some cases save their phone call till later. I will be considerate and not complain about conversations in-person or on the phone until the they start being too loud to be considerate to me as well. In fact I will probably tolerate the rudness far longer than some would. If I say something to you though then you can be sure you asked for it.
Originally Posted by kutulu
What I'm trying to say is that being considerate goes both ways. I think it's just as rude to get worked up about what other people are doing.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.