The premise is basically that its a liscence without the car. The samples I've seen are nothing to get riled up about.
Lets not forget that you could always order something like this from the DMV. Just an identification card that has your picture and information, the only difference is that the new ID would be manditory for all US citizens. Consider that not everyone has a liscence and at the airport it could work wonders in conjunction with a passport. It really all depends on how its utilized, but there is no reason to get upset about it just yet.
Le Berger, Le Mouton, Ce qui vous mangerait? Je ne sais pas. -let it all drop cause fuck it I guess we lost-
Originally Posted by tecoyah
...or I could just be drunk...cause I am.
<Danao>I am french so excuse my langage..
<Krost> ^^
<Krost> I'm American so excuse my president.