ustwo's position does reflect the attitude of rome under ratzinger and jp2, and would probably reflect that of the american catholic church as a whole if these guys had yet been able to manage to reign it in--but they haven't--so there remains a range of possibilities within the church on political issues, including abortion. but i would think that, were you still actively involved in the church and were also prochoice that squaring the two would take some effort, depending on the parish you happened to be in of course.
for myself, i still follow what is happening inside cathloicism as a matter of course, as a function of my background--but what i learned from being catholic was that, for me, there was no reason to be catholic. i guess the place that i landed in was essentially like that of pascal without the requirement that nonetheless has to choose to believe.
my real reason for posting here, however, is that the bumper sticker that began the thread reminded me of an old favortie that i hadnt thought of in a long time.
it was around in boston during the early 70s, during one of the periods when the bruins did not suck.
jesus saves and espisito scores on the rebound.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite