1. If you're in class, I don't think you should be answering your phone. Most of the people in my classes turned their phones off when they sat down and turned them on as soon as the class ended. I'm fine with that. There were some people who didn't, but it usually wasn't a repeat offense. Having 200 glaring faces directed at you suddenly is a pretty good deterrant.
2. If you're in the movies, don't play with your phone, or at least cover the screen with your hand like the people in my town do. It's not noticible and if it is noticible enough to piss you off, I honestly think you're the type of person looking for things to piss and moan about. Personally, I find the following things in theaters a whole hell of a lot more annoying than cell phones in theaters: crying infants, little kids, teenie-boppers, tall people, people who smell bad, and above all else, people who whisper to each other during the movie, for any reason. Whispering isn't quiet, it's extremely distinctive and annoying. To me, that's all a whole lot more irritating than a tiny screen.
3. I try not to do it, but I see the same problems when people are messing with their stereo, trying to read, eat, apply makeup, change clothes, or engage in deep conversations with their passengers. Shitty drivers are shitty drivers.
Personally when I'm at work, in a theater, restaraunt, classroom, or anywhere else where I feel a ringing phone is a breach of etiquette, I will put my phone on vibrate. If not, I have the ringer on. I have my phone on 24/7 for two very simple reasons.
1. I take care of my grandparents who are both just a few years short of 90. I'm not going to sit around the house on my free time, because I want to have a life other than watching the bird feeders and wasp traps all day for entertainment. If they're calling, they are paying long distance. The only time they call long distance is in case of an emergency, and I was sure glad my phone was on the other night when my grandma had to be hospitalized and the police/emts needed vital information about her medical conditions, immediately.
2. My girlfriend lives in Japan during the summer. That's approximately a 17 hour time difference and wildly different time schedules to work around, leaving only a few hours a day where talking to each other is possible. If she calls, I'm taking the call, end of story. I'll vacate whatever venue I'm in before I start talking, and if that offends someone I'm sorry, but when I only talk to her once a month (if I'm lucky!) I'm taking the call.
I've got the love of my life and a job that I enjoy most of the time. Life is good.