She is leading you on. The break thing is her way of keeping a safety net in place (namely you) if her gamble with the rest of the world does not pay off.
Irateplatypus said it best
your best bet is to be very honest and matter of fact about it. tell her that you still love her but you will, for all intents and purposes, be single from now on. the key part of this is that YOU MUST BE SINGLE within yourself. truly single people do not spend their days pining for an ex, calling to see if they pick up on saturday nights, or surprise them with gifts.
Don't play her game man. She wants out but she wants a way back in. Telling you that she would hate the other guy but not you is total bullshit (put the shoe on the other foot and tell me you could feel anything but hateful jealousy toward her and yourself for agreeing to this). At this point she is already gone, that much is decided, the only part you need to figure out is if you are gone too.
Going back to the "if you love it set it free" thing, she has to set you free too, but calling this what it is, a breakup.