Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
I have an easy solution to the cell phones in cars problem. Stop giving licenses to every idiot with a pulse. Make people actually master real driving skills. Take them out on a race track with gravel pits on the side and let them see what an emergency lane change at 85mph feels like....If we make people use real-world skills when they take the test, the idiots will be weeded out, and the rest of us can be left to maneuver around 35 of them crammed into a nice, easy-to-avoid city bus.
You realize, of course, that the number of accidents caused by nervous 15 year olds ramming the everloving shit out of people in rush hour traffic would go through the roof? I salute the spirit of what you're saying, but I don't think
anyone would ever consider the career of "Driving Instructor" ever again. I mean, it's got to suck ass already...now you're adding a mortality rate of > 75% to it?