I have an easy solution to the cell phones in cars problem. Stop giving licenses to every idiot with a pulse. Make people actually master real driving skills. Take them out on a race track with gravel pits on the side and let them see what an emergency lane change at 85mph feels like. Take them on a highway for the driving test during heavy but fast traffic and see fi they can keep a cool head. I had to drive around the block in a suburban neighborhood plus one main road with almost no traffic for my driver's license test, and I didn't even have to back into the parking space. I learned the rest of the shit because my parents taught me how to do it. I figured out how to handle emergencies at high speeds by practicing control in empty parking lots. If we make people use real-world skills when they take the test, the idiots will be weeded out, and the rest of us can be left to maneuver around 35 of them crammed into a nice, easy-to-avoid city bus.