The iodine is only iodine suppliments not irradiated iodine (or something like that) for slowing the thyroid down when it's hyperactive.
My mom is aware of all the possible treatments and my mother-in-law has started on Synthroid recently and found a good Dr. It seems these Dr's are booked well in advance. I have been amazed at the difference the iodine and iron suppliments alone have done for me. I pretty much have no more symptoms of the problem at this time. I am loosing the weight and I have no heart palpatations or headaches anymore. I've gone 2 weeks or so now with no headaches whereas I was having one nearly every day before starting the suppliments. Thanks. I'm glad I'm going to be getting more help.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.