Gift cards are the worst present ever! The only reason stores sell them is because they know people are thoughtless lazy-asses who will buy anything that doesn't require them to do much. Also, the stores know that if someone buys something with the card and there is a little bit left but not really enough to buy much of anything, it can possibly encourage the person to buy something they usually would not have intsead of letting that little bit of left over credit go to waste. Cash is accepted everywhere and is a far better gift than gift cards for that reason alone. The argument that at least some thought was put into buying a gift card instead of giving cash could not be further from the truth. It actually takes less thought, because if you give someone cash you most likely thought about getting a real present and could not come up with anything and you at least thought about having the decency to give the person something they can actually use for practical reasons or for extravagent reasons. The only instance when I have ever heard of a valid reason for giving some one a gift card is when parents gives their college student children gift cards to grocery stores to make sure they spend their money on groceries and things like that. Actually I take that back somewhat because you can buy beer at grocery stores, I am a college student who loves beer, I should know.