I consider myself a very conservative person. I have strong Republican tendencies, leaning even over into Libertarian. By and large, I do NOT have an issue with the Supreme Court or Justice Kennedy in particular and I am tired of the hard right wing bitching about it. The Supreme Court is there to protect the Constitution and as something of a last line of defense against the "tyranny of the majority".
The right is mad about issues that they view as moral black and whites. Flag burning, abortion, gay rights and pornography, to name several. While I don't agree with flag burning and frankly consider the act to stupid and meaningless, it is a "from" of free speech and should be protected by the first amendment. Abortion is a tough one and I see both sides of the issue. I don't know if the court has done right by this one or not and frankly I don't believe anyone can know this for certain either. I consider gay rights to be kin to women's rights or minority rights and while I don't agree with the lifestyle I also don't agree the majority has the right to condemn it. We had hundreds of years of slavery with this same attitude which we now profess to know is wrong and yet we still cling to it with gays. Porn is clearly a free speech issue. I have no problem with regulating it but an outright ban smacks of serious censorship which is something country has stood against since its founding.
In short, while a conservative, I agree with the immortal words of Voltaire when he said, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Is it not possible that when faced with the massive responsibility of ruling on things from the highest bench in the land some conservative judges are realizing the difference between an action and the right to that action? I do not agree with a lot of actions that I see every day and yet I acknowledge the right of those acting to act in that matter as they see fit so long as their actions do not infringe on the rights of others.
Where is the problem understanding this?
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SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0
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