Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
The police don't have to protect you, they just have to fill out the paperwork and arrest your abusive ex-husband after your kids find your body. This is yet another case that supports my argument that you need to own means of protection if you expect to be protected. Combined with the past ruling that local authorities have no responsiblity to protect you from criminals, I would suggest that anyone who is in a high-crime area or who has been harassed by a violent person start looking at obtaining reliable means of personal defense.
I like your post, probably because it's what I've been saying for years.
"Reliable means of personal defense" can be bars on windows, a dog, or a variety of other things. A great many people will automatically think "a gun," but in order for it to be reliable, you'll need training.
That said, it's hard to fathom the reasoning employed by gun banners.
Although I hate to bash cops, because I've known some nice, professional ones, there are enough dirty ones surfacing that I can't support law officers until they clean up their own ranks.
And until judges quit allowing them to lie with impunity.