What use is it being offended by people who could care less who you are, what you're about, or how it makes you feel. Why do you even get offended by their passing garbage, and give them power over you?
People will say what they want to say, if they don't interfere with you and your routine, let them do whatever the hell they want, it's of no consequence to you.
What guy doesn't dislike those ho's who go out with a guy, create a bubble with him where they spend all their time together, don't allow them to socialize on their own, and generally 'censors' your ex-bro from all outside influence.
It's a common trend, and to that, us men say, bro's before ho's. It rhymes. It's cutting to the women who it really applies to and we don't like, and we like that. Maybe we'd stop saying it if it didn't bother them, or carry as much understanding as it does with any guy who hears it spoken.