Originally Posted by boatin
Now it's my turn for the "not understanding": I've always been confused (since the time 2 years ago argueing with Sixate on these boards) at the problem people see in holding those two positions [love the soldiers/hate the war]. I've been called unpatriotic many times, both on boards and in person, when I've expressed my opinion.
I'm not calling you or fitherton or anyone here unpatriotic or "on the side of the terrorists". What needs to be considered though, in my opinion, is the general anti-war sentiment as expressed in the mainstream media for example. I see no benefit whatsoever for Ted Kennedy and the like to constantly be referring to this thing as a quagmire, where the intent seems to be that of proving Bush wrong by any means necessary, nevermind the fallout. Don't get me wrong: I'm all for dissent, for counterbalance, but where should the line be drawn? Would it be right for dissent to cause failure in Iraq? Rumsfeld said something the other day in his Senate hearing which I agree with: He mentioned that the media was complicit in "pushing" an anti-war agenda, as opposed to "honest and objective" reporting because the only hope - the only hope - the insurgency has at this point is for America and the World to grow apathetic.