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Old 06-27-2005, 07:30 AM   #29 (permalink)
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Location: Seattle, WA
I think this is a strongly age-differentiated argument, simply because of the technological newness of cell phones. For posters AND the general population in my age bracket, cell phones have always existed. Even the year I was born, there were those boxy car phones that couldn't operate outside of the car's battery. As such, they've always been there and always will be cell phones in our lives. I don't think I'll ever need a "landline" insomuch as I can be available no matter where I am for (easier AND cheaper).

Because of their omnipresence, it doesn’t even cross my mind when a cell phone rings or is answered. It, like others have said, is a distraction – but it is a distraction that I tune out, just like barking dogs and children crying. There are perfectly acceptable ways to use a cell phone, including in a car, and I think it would be brash to set that type of “standard” for people. Who decides how much of “a distraction” something is? If you had a song you really liked playing on the stereo, and you were listening intently to the lyrics… would you not have the same mental distraction as a cell phone? I realize it is a slippery slope, but this type of argument would mandate removing stereos from cars as well.

While I was typing this message, a coworker approached me and we were scheduling a meeting at 9:30 regarding documentation on one of our production CDs. In the course of talking, his cell phone rang in his pocket; he pulled it out and answered it. Under the antiquated etiquette of the older generation, this could be “rude.” For me, it meant turning around and continuing my work. One could argue that this was implicitly stating that the caller was more important than me, but this type of prioritizing happens in a work place, and it is not a cell phone specific argument.

As for movies, I think a RINGING phone is indeed inappropriate because it can severely distract from the movie. This is only the case because in silent or low-sound sections of the movie a ringing phone can fully drown out the soundtrack. As for the screen or text-messaging, this type of behavior is entirely appropriate. The average Pearlescent 15% movie screen is 30 FEET by 70 FEET. (<a href=””>source</a>) The average cell phone screen is 2 x 4 INCHES. While I wouldn’t have been “all up in” the old guys’ face, I certainly wouldn’t have appreciated being yelled at (easily a larger distraction) about having my cell phone open. Many cell phones necessitate opening them to view who is calling – and if that bothers someone then that is their problem, not mine.

In a classroom, I again agree that a ringing phone is distracting and inappropriate. A phone pulled from your pocket and viewed should not be a consideration at all. Oftentimes I pull my cell phone out of my pocket to see the time, as I do not wear a watch. This behavior in and of itself should be no more distracting then someone who looks at their wristwatch. I understand that someone answering a cell phone in class is distracting to everyone, but there are many times that it would be important other than a “husband with a pregnant wife..” that I think you may be unfairly excluding. If my “Home” calls, I can be sure that it’s a very critical issue, such as my father having a heart attack – and I’m you telling me I can’t answer the call would be replied with a few choice words.

Finally – driving. I see no problem driving with a cell phone, teenage-confidence or not. A car can be operated safely and effectively with a cell phone, and those who cannot have problems driving in other ways. If I remember correctly from your previous thread, you (Gilda) have a stricter sense of what is safe driving, and I think that may factor into your opinion here – more so then the phone itself.

I'll add this to the part about driving while talking: on a recent episode of Mythbusters, it was demonstrated that driving while having a cell phone conversation is actually MORE dangerous than driving with a blood alcohol content of 0.8, the legal limit in most states. The test drivers did worse on the driving tests while having complicated conversations than they did after several beers.
On the converse, my reaction time on a track is .285 seconds. This is well within the norm for safe driving. A drunken driver can approach reaction times of nearly 2.0 seconds, but drivers over 80 often have that same reaction time merely based on their age.
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