I think complaining about people sending or reading text messages in cinemas is going a bit too far. It takes a few seconds, or a few minutes to send a text message, but people don't hold them in the air to read or write them. Every cinema I've been in has that stadium-style seating and I've while I might notice a mobile phone screen every now and then it's never been a distraction at all. Maybe the guy in your cinema just happened to be seated in a bad position so that you could see his screen, but I don't think it's a big deal at all. Plenty of things in daily life are distracting, some are just no big deal. A ringing mobile phone is, of course, but I think etiquette is getting better about that.
As for phones in lectures, if it's on silent/vibrate then it's never bothered me if someone takes a call outside (as long as they don't start talking until they're out). People have to go to the bathroom, come or leave early to lectures, take calls for any number of reasons. As long as they're quiet and discreet about coming and going I don't think it's too big a deal. Kids in middle school shouldn't have phones on in class, but adults in a university lecture deserve more freedom than that.
Strange or annoying ringtones on the street have never bothered me, I like the diversity, it's interesting to see a gangsta-looking guy with an Aqua ringtone or a guy in a suit with the crazy frog one, or a pink, frilly girl with a normal digital tone. Sometimes I roll my eyes when hearing the crazy frog one or chuckle when I hear the theme from Frasier or Yakkety Sax... all just simple things that make every day more interesting
Of course the driving while using a phone without a hands-free kit, or putting on makeup or having a coffee is ridiculous. Most people I know, if they are called while driving they don't answer. If it's important or urgent then I'll call again... 2 missed calls within a few seconds generally means it's important.
I think that should be another rule - if it's just a social call and the person doesn't pick up, just call another time, or they'll call back if they have time. If it's important, call twice so they know to call back as soon as they can.
Edit: sorry, this is so disjointed