Originally Posted by Gilda
I would like to propose some general rules for cell phone usage.
I'll start with these three:
1. When you are in class turn your cell phone off. Using it during class time is rude to the teacher, and distracts you from learning what it is you are supposed to be learning. It also can be used to cheat, in a variety of ways.
2. When you are in a theater, turn your cell phone off. The cell phone is both visually and aurally distracting. Using it in either way is distracting and rude. If for some reason, you feel the need to make a call, get up, leave the theater, and do it outside. Your desire not to miss the movie does not take precedence over the right of the other patrons not to be distracted by your choice to use your phone during the movie.
3. When your car is on the road, your cell phone should be off. If you need to make a call, pull off the road and make your call with your car parked. Taking a call shouldn't be an issue, because your cell should be off.
Discussion, modification, or additions are welcome.
1) My cell phone is on during class time regardless whether it is lecture, or an exam. Simply because if I deem the phone call important (i'm not talking about "OMG MY BEST FRIEND CALLED I NEED TO ANSWER THE PHONE" as opposed to "my family is calling me, and this never happens at this time of day, therefore there is probably something I need to know") I may need to leave the class or exam to take it. However, my phone is ALWAYS on vibrate during these settings and to see who it is, I take it out of my pocket and view the screen on the outside my phone. If it is important, I walk out, if not, back into the pocket letting it vibrate.
2) Same as number 1.
3) Agree with number 3 fully. My cellphone is on for the same reasons as stated above. In this case, I WILL take a call from a friend. However, regardless of who calls, I find the closest parking lot, or place where I can stop to take the call.
I just can't stand people driving while talking on cellphones. Where I live, the people (including myself probably) are (for the most part) crappy drivers. We don't need something else to take away your concentration.