Hmmm...I'm finding some of this a little interesting. I don't really see any way around the fact that many women are going to find the term "ho" insulting, so I'm staying away from that aspect. However, I've never known that phrase to be synonomous with "pussy-whipped." I've always heard it used as a invocation of the natural law of friendship involving non-competitiion over a particular girl. As in "regardless of what happens with girl x, we will still be friends."
Frankly, I think the comment is supposed to be a little insulting towards the woman, when used by men. In this sense, it removes the focus of the comment away from the woman, and towards the male relationship. It trivializes the woman, intentionally, in order to stress the importance of the male friendship. I'm not saying it's the greatest phrase ever invented, nor do I normally run around calling ladies "hos." I just think that's where it normally comes from. Something along the lines of "friends before females" is close, but not exactly it...and "brothers before intellectually stimulating, phyisically arousing, emotionally mature members of the opposite sex" just doesn't cut it.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style