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Old 06-26-2005, 05:03 PM   #81 (permalink)
Marvelous Marv
Cunning Runt
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Location: Taking a mulligan
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Ah my post returns from the dead.

Look at the judges who voted for this horrible abuse of power.

Guess what 'side' of the political fence they are on.

Fucking typical.

This is indefensible, un-American, and I would expect such rulings only from a fascist or communist nation.

This is the quintessential precedence of the government being superior to the citizens it serves.

The fact that this is allowed by LOCAL governments only makes it more abusable and horrific in nature.

As an American I am disgusted.
What a unique discussion. The conservatives, thought to be in the pocket of the fat cat developers, abhor this decision.

The leftists, sticklers for individual freedom, applaud the taking of private property.

And those who despise the thought of drilling in the ANWR, and who want to confiscate all SUVs, are suddenly very concerned that our highway system is top-notch.
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