Originally Posted by Gilda
And so forth. Pretty much everyone else who is defining the phrase says or implies that it is meant to insult the woman involved, that the guy is choosing sex over friendship. It implies that the only reason a man would choose to spend time with a girl rather than his friends is for sex.
Again, you're reading far too much into it. None of those quotes except for JinnKai's says anything about the woman involved. Unless you want to claim that any woman that sleeps with a man without being in comitted relationship is a "ho," your argument makes no sense.
If a man is choosing sex over friendship, then he's the one making that decision. The girl usually has no obligations to the man's friends. The phrase is directed solely at him.
There is also no implication that women are only good for sex. Of course some men do treat some relationships that way (as do some women), and his friends would certainly know when he's doing that. The previous posters were saying that this phrase could be used in those particular cases. It can also apply to more serious relationships in certain ways, but I don't see the point in going into every possible usage.
To be honest, I don't even know if I've really answered your complaints. I don't understand how you've reached any of your conclusions. Maybe the fact that you don't have relationships with men is clouding your judgement...
Agreed. But I don't think it takes much analysis to understand that calling women other than prostitutes whores is likely to be perceived as insulting.
Yes, it was probably clear enough in this context. But all of the complaining should have died off after it was explained that nothing negative was implied.
As a related issue, a lot of slang terms have meanings that are different from their component words. For example, I've heard girls say things like "it took a lot of balls for me to do that." I think the meaning of that is so well-known that nobody would interpret her as saying that she was trying to be a man, was a transsexual, carried around a bunch of marbles, etc. Yet each of those interpretations might be possible for someone who was just learning english, and didn't know about slang yet. That's the kind of overanalysis you're applying in this thread.