Originally Posted by maleficent
Or she could go out and get a job and do the same thing and stop whining about being pranked... :eyeroll:
I'm willing to bet t hat NO WHERE in the contest did it say anything about dollars - they wouldn't be that stupid... She won what s he won - a 100 grand candy bar...
But where in the contest did it say it was a candy bar and not 100 grand? I think it goes either way. I don't understand or maybe i missed the post/article, but where did it say she was unemployeed? or are you just labelling her because, assuming that since she wants the money she must NEED it, and not just WANT the money to top out her 401k's?
I personally don't gamble, or enter in any contests but if someone told me I had won 100 grand. You better have my name spelt correctly on that check when I get there. Shit only way to make this story better is the woman now suffers a non-fatal heart attack from the stress and the station has to pay her 1 million........