Bill O'Reilly.
I'm sitting here watching a rebroadcast of a show he did earlier(at least, I can only assume it was earlier.)
O'Reilly does nothing but obfuscate and override. When he is allowed his own commentary, he misrepresents the situation and makes assumptions that no one can call him on. In debate, he shouts down his opponents(in this case, the editor of The Progressive) when they disagree, and when they bring up valid points he says "Come on" or "You know what I'm talking about," as if they are being unreasonable. At one point Rothschild(the editor) pointed out that many homosexual Americans, attacked during Bennett's role in the "Culture Wars" of the '80s and '90s, would be understandably happy to see him get his comeuppance(re: his gambling). Eventually O'Reilly made the statement that a homosexual couple should not be walking down the street kissing or holding hands because "you don't want to ruin a child's whole childhood by explaining [that]." He then said, by way of covering his ass, that you wouldn't want to see inappropriate sexual behavior from hetero or homosexual couples. Rothschild asked him if it would be inappropriate for a heterosexual couple to walk down the street holding hands, to which O'Reilly responded, in top form "Come on, you know what I'm talking about."
How can anyone consider this man informed or intelligent? It is not his politics that offend me, but his behavior and way of dealing with people who disagree with him. He is dismissive, insulting, outright rude. He is not a respectable person in any way.
it's quiet in here