Originally Posted by kutulu
How can anyone honestly say the whole purpose of this contest was not to decieve the audience and make the winner feel stupid? Check out The Smoking Gun. There is a screencap of a blog posting by DJ Slick containing the following:
Since only 7 of you will actually be tuned in tonight and the rest of the nation's eyeballs glued to the IDOL finale, Hot 102 is showing our appreciation to our loyal listeners with a change to win 100 GRAND!!! It's sitting in a bad to my left ready for someone to take off with like the Runaway bride! Here's how it's going to work: Right BEFORE Mr. Seacrest announces the Winner (or before he teases the audience with another annoying "After the break" bit be caller 10 280-1025 and you'll be 100 GRAND RICHER!!!
This isn't some case about some asshat spilling coffe on himself and then expecting to get rich. They advertised this contest with the knowledge that the only way people would tune in is if they thought they could win a ton of money. They knew that the winner would have to drive across town for a prize that isn't even as valuable as the gas they used to get there. They never gave any hints that it was a 100 Grand bar instead of $100,000 that might tip off people quick enough to get the joke.
You know that this lady had to have gone nuts when they told her she won. They KNEW what she thought she won. Did they bother to put her on hold and let her know about the joke? Fuck no, they let her show up and the studio and then they were too chicken shit to tell her the truth at that time. Instead they leave a phone message.
Maybe you think it's ok to intentionally fuck with people's lives, hopes, and dreams and then humiliate them in front of their families for cheap radio gimicks. I have respect for people and I'm not cool with that. I hope she wins a ton of money from them for this.
I agree.
The DJ completed a verbal agreement for giving the woman a hundred grand. It's up to the jury and the type of court case as to whether the DJ's intentions will be used in the case. There's no reason to be a dickhead to someone on live radio. The station deserves everything it gets.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
Last edited by Lasereth; 06-26-2005 at 06:05 AM..